Mulch Products
Loose Fill, Max Safety
Loose fill safety surfacing and mulch products have been around as long as playgrounds have. Our mulch products provide a cost-effective safety surface for your playground that is easy to install. All of our mulch products are manufactured with the highest quality standards in mind and provide unparalleled protection against playground injuries related to falls.
At, we offer two types of mulch playground safety surfacing, Rubber Mulch and Engineered Wood Fiber, also known as E.W.F. Rubber mulch is manufactured from recycled tires and provides the highest level of fall protection of any safety surface. In addition to providing superior fall protection, Rubber Mulch is a low maintenance and affordable option for your playground.
E.W.F Mulch can come from a variety of natural timber sources, but most commonly is manufactured from Cypress or Cedar trees. The type of wood used to manufacture E.W.F will vary be region and availability. E.W.F is one of the most cost effective playground safety surfacing options available and provides adequate fall protection.
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Certified Products
All of our surfacing products are third party certified to meet CPSC, ASTM and IPEMA standards for quality.
No Guess Work
Our playground surfacing experts will design the perfect system for you, taking care of the details for you.
Safety Guaranteed
All of our surfacing products are tested to make sure the meet or exceed ASTM, IPEMA and CPSC safety requirements.
Professional Installation
Guaranteed hassle free professional playground surfacing installation by our licensed and experienced surfacing installers.Mulch Products
Rubber & EWF
Loose fill playground surfaces are one of the most durable, safe and cost-effective surfacing options. We offer a variety of mulch products to meet your needs including Engineered Wood Fiber Mulch and Rubber mulch. Rubber mulch is great for more long-term use than organic products, and it provides excellent fall protection to help keep your playground safe. This rubber safety surfacing comes in loose flakes or “nuggets” and provides much of the safety of natural mulch with fewer drawbacks. Place this mulch where children may be liable to fall, like around a slide or set of monkey bars. This rubber play surface can help to ensure that any falls do not result in serious injuries.

Easy Installation
Our mulch products are easy to install and require no special training or skills unlike other surfacing products.
Recycled Products
Both EWF and Rubber mulch are eco-friendly recycled products and help to reduce tire and tree waste products.Safety Rating
Our mulch products provide the highest level of fall protection to prevent life altering injuries and keep kids safe.
Benefits of Mulch Products
Mulch provides countless benefits when properly used as a playground safety surface. Perhaps the largest single benefit to using wood mulch for your playground safety surfacing is its ease of installation. Unlike other popular playground surfacing products, such as artificial turf and poured in place rubber, mulch products require no special tools, knowledge or skill set for installation. This is a tremendous advantage.
Second to the ease and pace of installation, mulch products are cost effective and still provide the necessary levels of fall protection to make sure your playground is safe for all kids to use. Whether you decide on E.W.F or Rubber Mulch, you can rest assured that if the proper depths are maintained that your playground will be safe for children to use.

Answers to Common Playground Surfacing Questions
There are a lot of factors that affect the price of a poured in place surfacing system. The price can vary drastically depending on what sub surface is used, how thick the system needs to be, colors and site preparation requirements just to name a few. The best thing to do would be to let us provide a quote for you so that we make sure you are getting accurate pricing.
Yes, poured in place rubber will get hot when exposed for long periods to heat and sunlight. It does not retain heat however in the way that other surfaces would, like for instance asphalt.
There are a variety of factors that will affect how long a poured in place rubber surfacing system will last, the most important of these being the quality of the product, the experience of the installer, UV exposure and maintenance. The average life span for most surfaces is around 10 years.