Mulch Products

Loose Fill, Max Safety

Loose fill safety surfacing and mulch products have been around as long as playgrounds have. Our mulch products provide a cost-effective safety surface for your playground that is easy to install. All of our mulch products are manufactured with the highest quality standards in mind and provide unparalleled protection against playground injuries related to falls.

At, we offer two types of mulch playground safety surfacing, Rubber Mulch and Engineered Wood Fiber, also known as E.W.F. Rubber mulch is manufactured from recycled tires and provides the highest level of fall protection of any safety surface. In addition to providing superior fall protection, Rubber Mulch is a low maintenance and affordable option for your playground.

E.W.F Mulch can come from a variety of natural timber sources, but most commonly is manufactured from Cypress or Cedar trees. The type of wood used to manufacture E.W.F will vary be region and availability. E.W.F is one of the most cost effective playground safety surfacing options available and provides adequate fall protection.

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Certified Products
All of our surfacing products are third party certified to meet CPSC, ASTM and IPEMA standards for quality.
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No Guess Work
Our playground surfacing experts will design the perfect system for you, taking care of the details for you.
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Safety Guaranteed
All of our surfacing products are tested to make sure the meet or exceed ASTM, IPEMA and CPSC safety requirements.
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Professional Installation
Guaranteed hassle free professional playground surfacing installation by our licensed and experienced surfacing installers.

Need Help Deciding Whats Best for Your Mulch Installation?

Mulch Projects that Inspire

Easy Installation, Affordable Pricing

Florida School Playground Mulch 2

Florida Elementary School Rubber Playground Mulch

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Elementary School Playground